Hi There!

I'm Eli, a graduate from Cohort 40 of the Nashville Software School. Before starting my journey into software development, I spent my time making music and art, which are both things I love trying to integrate into my projects.
I've always had an interest in technology, and software development allows me to explore and learn so many new things. I get a lot of enjoyment out of picking up new technologies, and learning new ways to apply what I already know.


During the first three months at the Nashville Software School, our curriculum focused on front-end development. We started off with HTML and CSS, and then spent a majority of our time working with vanilla JavaScript. During our time in the front-end, we were also familiarized with the GitHub workflow.

To finish off our front-end curriculum, we began to learn React. React was the primary tool used to write my front-end capstone. After finishing up our React chapter, we moved on to server side technologies. Python and Django were our bread and butter, while also learning the basics of SQL.

Finishing off my time at NSS, I completed my back-end capstone, using React for the client side, and a Django REST API for my server side, which communicated with an SQLite database.


Here are some projects I've worked on


MixUp is my back-end capstone completed at NSS, and is a file-sharing webapp designed around promoting collaboration between musicians and producers.


ClimbTogether is my front-end capstone completed at NSS, and is a webapp designed to help League of Legends players find teammates to play with.


Bangazon is a mock e-commerce app and group project that was completed at NSS. Client-side written in React, server-side as Django REST API.

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